Andrea Grace Phillips » Local Services

Below are some local resources that can help you learn more about behavioral health and substance abuse topics. These resources are from organizations that are part of the Mayor’s Substance Abuse Task Force, and the links will take you to the community member’s website.

Andrea Grace Phillips

Work Phone: 812-204-8509 Website:
Photo of Andrea Grace Phillips

Biographical Info


A Grace Gathering is a support group for the Mothers of Addicts led by certified Life Coach, Andre’a Grace Phillips. It is a safe place where we “hold space, and extend Grace” to all who have children that suffer with the disease of addiction. We invite all to Share without Shame, and learn about how Your Life Matters as much to God and to this world as your addict’s life does. Gatherings take place every other Saturday morning at New Beginnings Lakeside, and every other Wednesday evening at 909A Kenmore Drive.

For more information you can find Andre’a Grace Phillips on Facebook or can email her or call/text 812-204-8509 with questions. All are welcome!


Are you exhausted, overwhelmed, stressed out, heartbroken, alone, terrified, and generally desperate for some relief and advice on how to survive and even thrive as the Mother of and Addict?!

Grace Gathering Retreats are a place where you can Share Without Shame, Connect with other Moms of Addicts who are on a similar journey, push the reset button, and learn about how Your Life Matters as much as your addict’s life does…

Categories: Recovery, Treatment

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